Smart Retail

Sixunited Intelligent integrates mul生視ti-form products and intel厭藍ligent terminals such as industrial m看謝ain board, intelligent ca姐關sh register, self西會-service all-in-one machin廠高e, retail box, reinforced tab從去let, handheld terminal, intell讀近igent logistics terminal, etc.就為 to create an intelligent re們呢tail solution covering the int請這egration of hardware, sof農小tware and service, and realize the 討書digital manageme身讀nt of the whole process 體制from entering store離紅s, visiting stores,遠森 closing, promotion, re-purchase, log坐書istics and after-sales. Comprehe物美nsively reconstruct the three el懂門ements of "people,事有 goods and markets", enhanc高習e the shopping experience of con會關sumers with science and tec可姐hnology, improve the effic們媽iency of store operation and 務路customer turnover rate, and ma農這ke retail smarter and more c生錢ontrollable.

Application areas

Smart snack solutions cov化話er supply chain mana見音gement, smart stores, ware房很housing and log和機istics, precision marketing費拍 and other aspects, fully meet the ne廠間eds of supermarkets, shopp好女ing malls, convenience stor服醫es, specialty stores, cafes, restaurant白雨s and other application 年風scenarios, and help smart retail enterp間劇rises to realize 風愛digital and integrated management of st媽兒ores.


With the help of innovative te歌們chnologies such as face recognition綠紙, big data and cloud computing, we坐行 can get through online and o黃廠ffline data precipitati我船on, build global portraits such as co理習nsumer purchase frequency and pr資知eferences, and realize a窗志ccurate marketin這日g. The marketin拍道g method of omni-channel 都吧coverage breaks the time and多話 space constraints of 她女traditional retail, making it more con她商venient for customers 下通to understand and purchase. At t討都he same time, it can also use sensin月區g technology and edge 一年computing to monit微東or store passenger flow an國南d abnormal conditions in real 個輛time to realize intell行懂igent management of the whole process o歌熱f stores.