Smart Medical

Sixunited Intelligent友銀 adopts a new architectur飛離e design, integrates m冷會ore "black techn下行ologies" s雨問uch as artificial i山厭ntelligence, sensing te資村chnology and the Internet of Thin樹山gs into medical equipment, and 吧草introduces intelligent me鄉如dical solutions to hel要地p intelligent upgrading of medical equi她去pment, empower more ap熱錯plication scenarios, realize s票刀tandardization, diversification, p通雪rocess, data and intelligent man放要agement of medi拍理cal work, and greatly improve pat對喝ients' medical experience.

Application areas

It is widely used in medical appli很關cation scenarios such as medical ca科但rts, self-service regist跳城ration machines,跳紙 smart pharmacies, operating rooms多弟, intensive care units, emergency rooms舞計, and nursing stations.


The powerful AI edge computing capabili著西ty and sensing technology can help med雪費ical staff to clearly gr還對asp the patient's situati司業on, know the potent哥近ial disease risk and early wa近月rning in advanc嗎妹e, and provide accurate, fa術員st and efficient imaging 購視diagnosis and treat冷樂ment support, so that patie要訊nts can seek medical treatment mor媽湖e efficiently and convenien讀件tly.